Python for DevOps


Python is a universal programming language widely adopted in DevOps. Explore its data types, structures, and libraries, all key for simplifying processes and driving efficiency in software development and operations.

What is Python?

Python is one of the best programming languages for Automation in DevOps. DevOps teams use Python for automating repetitive tasks, infrastructure provisioning, and API-driven deployments.

Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language. Python is designed to be highly readable. It uses English keywords frequently where as other languages use punctuation, and it has fewer syntactical constructions than other languages.

  • Python is Interpreted − Python is interpreted, allowing you to run programs without compiling first.

  • Python is Interactive − Python is interactive, letting you interact directly with the interpreter.

  • Python is Object-Oriented − Python is object-oriented, organizing code into objects.

  • Python is a Beginner's Language − Python is beginner-friendly, ideal for various apps from text processing to games.

Empowering DevOps with Python: Key Features

  1. Automation: Python automates repetitive tasks, streamlining DevOps workflows.

  2. Scripting: Python scripting facilitates process automation and integration.

  3. Configuration Management: Tools like Ansible use Python for configuring systems.

  4. Continuous Integration: Python helps create CI/CD pipelines for seamless code integration.

  5. Monitoring: Python scripts monitor and analyze system metrics.

  6. Cloud Computing: Python interfaces with cloud services for efficient management.

  7. Containerization: Python enhances Docker management and orchestration.

  8. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Tools like Terraform utilize Python to define infrastructure.

  9. API Integration: Python connects tools via APIs for seamless communication.

  10. Data Handling: Python processes data for insights in DevOps analytics.

Installing Python: Step-by-Step

  1. Download: Visit and choose the installer for your OS.

  2. Run Installer: Open the downloaded file and run the installer.

  3. Customize Installation: Optionally, modify settings like installation path.

  4. Add to Path: Check "Add Python to PATH" for easy command-line use.

  5. Installation: Click "Install" to start the process.

  6. Verify Installation: Open Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (macOS/Linux) and type python --version to confirm.

      python --version

Essential Data Types in Python

Text Type:


Numeric Types:

int, float, complex

Sequence Types:

list, tuple, range

Mapping Type:


Boolean Type:


None Type:



  • Text Type (str):
text = "Hello, Python!"
  • Numeric Types:
integer = 10
floating_point = 3.14
complex_number = 2 + 3j
  • Sequence Types:
list_data = [1, 2, 3, 4]
tuple_data = (5, 6, 7)
range_data = range(0, 5)
  • Mapping Type (dict):
student = {
    "name": "John",
    "age": 20,
    "grade": "A"
  • Boolean Type (bool):
is_valid = True
is_empty = False
  • None Type (NoneType):
result = None

Python Data Structures in DevOps

  1. List

    • A list is a collection of ordered and changeable items.

    • It's created using square brackets and can hold elements of different data types.

          fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", 1 , 90.8]
  1. Dictionary

    • A dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs.

    • It's created using curly braces and each pair is separated by a colon.

          student = {
          "name": "John", 
          "age": 20, 
          "grade": "A"
  1. Tuple

    • A tuple is a collection of ordered and unchangeable items.

    • It's created using parentheses and can hold elements of different data types.

          colors = ("red", "green", "blue")
  1. Set

    • A set is a collection of unordered and unique items.

    • It's created using curly braces and holds distinct values.

          unique_numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4}

OS module: primarily useful for the DevOps

The os module in Python is quite useful in DevOps for interacting with the operating system and managing system-related tasks. Some key functions that are frequently used in DevOps are:

  1. os.path: Offers functions to manipulate file paths, making it useful for managing file systems.

  2. os.listdir: Retrieves a list of files and directories in a specified path.

  3. os.makedirs: Creates directories, which are essential for setting up project structures.

  4. os.remove: Deletes a file.

  5. os.rmdir: Removes an empty directory.

  6. os.system: Runs shell commands from within Python.

  7. os.getenv: Accesses environment variables, crucial for configuration.

  8. os.walk: Generates directory and file names recursively within a specified path.

  9. os.chmod: Changes file permissions, necessary for security configurations.

  10. os.rename: Renames a file or directory.

  11. os.chdir: Change the current working directory, which is important for navigating and executing commands in different directories.

  12. os.path.exists: Check if a path exists.

  13. os.path.isfile: Check if a path points to a file.